Thursday, February 4, 2010

Initial Impressions: Slauter Xstroyes: Winter Kill

The name is unpronounceable. I literally have no idea what it's supposed to mean or how it is supposed to be said. Beyond that, this album is pretty good and largely forgotten.

Slauter Xstroyes was an underground band out of the Chicago area during the mid 1980's. They were fairly popular in the scene of which they were a part, but unknown to the majority of people. They played a more traditional style of American power metal similar to groups like Liege Lord and Jag Panzer.

The music is fairly typical for the style. The band is not remarkably talented, but they are definitely competent musicians and have some great songs. The riffs are similar to Judas Priest and the NWOBHM with a darker overall tone. The vocals soar over the top of the music. It is clear that the band's singer was fairly gifted.

This album was the band's only full length while still active. It was re-released in 1999 and the band's unreleased album was also put out at that time. This is an interesting look at a band that never actually made it. Proof that some talented bands just can not get noticed.

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