Saturday, February 14, 2009

Ozzy, Maybe It's Time to Retire

I have an enormous amount of respect for Ozzy Osbourne. Obviously he is the first metal singer ever and has an amazingly unique voice. He's put out some great albums even after leaving Black Sabbath. However, lately he's become a laughingstock. I was reasonably okay with The Osbournes reality show, but mostly because I rarely watched it. His albums have declined in quality with each successive one since Ozzmosis. Sharon Osbourne has become the true public face of the family in recent years showing up on shows like America's Got Talent, and Rock of Love Charm School. But now, I see a trailer for an Osbournes variety show. Ozzy has now completely bankrupted any artistic integrity he had left. Maybe it's time to fade into obscurity. Go away Ozzy, and let me remember the good times. You can see the trailer here:

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