Thursday, September 12, 2019

Vulcano: Bloody Vengeance (1986)

I have mentioned Vulcano on this blog many times, but this is the first time I have gotten around to reviewing an album.  Vulcano emerged from the same Brazilian scene as Sepultura and Sarcófago, but they remain even more underground and obscure than the latter band.  That is a shame because Vulcano is just as impressive as the early works of those bands.

This is Vulcano's first album and the similarities to the early works of the aforementioned bands is obvious.  This is very brutal and fast-paced thrash metal that often borders on first-wave black and early death metal.  The music is fairly simple, but what it lacks in complexity it makes up for in pure unbridled aggression and raw attitude.

This album is incredibly short, not even making it to 25 minutes and most of the songs are short and incredibly fast.  There are not really any melodic moments though and most of the songs are not terribly memorable beyond the aggressiveness.  "Holocaust" is one of the better songs with a an interesting driving riff and a bit of a breakdown toward the end.

This release is not that dissimilar to Sepultura's Morbid Visions or Sarcófago's I.N.R.I., but Vulcano's album is much more obscure than the other two.  Vulcano continued to put out records and are actually still active, but they have never attained the status of their more famous countrymen.  That's too bad really.

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