Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Bethlehem: Dictius Te Necare (1996)

This is a very weird one.  Bethlehem takes their cue from a number of other metal bands by taking a positive biblical reference and putting a very dark sound to it.  Bethlehem was an early German black metal band taking shape at the time that the second wave of black metal was ruling in Sweden and Norway.  I believe I have discussed previously that Germany has not been a major place for black metal, but this is a very good exception.

Bethlehem has a more experimental structure with a lot of doom metal influences in their sound.  The band frequently goes from fast-paced, rumbling riffs to morosely slow chord progressions.  It is extremely dark and unsettling music that very likely had a massive influence on the depressive black metal wave of the late 90's/early 2000's.  But as interesting as the music is, this would likely not move the needle all that much if it were not for one other element.

When discussing this album, the major thing that must be mentioned above all else is the vocals.  Quite simply, they sound absolutely psychotic.  Going from a malevolent whisper to a blood-curdling shriek and tortured wailing comes unsettlingly easily.  It is the vocals that really make this album what it is.  The fact that the lyrics are in German makes them that much more terrifying, because let us face it, German is kind of a an odd language.  Combined with the vocal style here it is horrifying.

This album should be a classic.  It reminds me a lot of Silencer's Death - Pierce Me, though maybe not quite as extreme.  It is masterfully creepy and eerie, but it does not seem to have quite the following it deserves. 

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