Thursday, September 26, 2019

Lunar Shadow: Triumphator (2015)

Lunar Shadow has been making a little bit of noise in the underground as one of the better example of a new wave of traditional heavy metal bands.  The German band has released two full-lengths and this EP, which was their debut, to impressive accolades.  I first heard about them after being randomly sent the J-card from the cassette release of this album in another order.  Not the tape mind you, just the J-card.  Well, that was not going to stand, so I tracked this release down.

From the album title and the cover art, it is pretty obvious this band ascribes to the swords-and-sorcery fantasy themes that are fairly common in a lot of early 80's metal styles and to the power metal and epic doom metal genres in particular.  The music here is a terrific take on NWOBHM bands like Angel Witch and Blitzkrieg, with soaring dual guitar melodies and decent, if not great, vocals.  The music is generally fast-paced with infectious hooks and melodies.  And the bass takes strong influence from the galloping bass work of Iron Maiden.  There is definitely a lot going on here musically, and even though Lunar Shadow does not break the mold or present anything truly new or original, they are incredibly proficient at what they do.

This is a terrific EP of a band who seems to be rising.  The band has recently changed their vocalist and I am anxious to hear what effect, if any, that has had on the band's sound.  This is a very short introduction to a damn good band.  I will have to track down their full-length albums.

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