Saturday, September 7, 2019

DreamLongDead: MadnessDeadGrave - Invocations Three to the Ones that Lurk at the Threshold (2012)

Well, speaking of bizarre album titles, here we have one that definitely calls to mind the Cthulhu Mythos and Lovecraft (the cover art is another clue).  The band name and initial titles are not typos by the way, that's really how the band presents them.  Personally, I feel music like the material presented by Howls of Ebb from yesterday works best with Chthonic themes.  DreamLongDead is a bit different though, yet it still works out pretty well.

DreamLongDead are a Greek death/doom metal band.  There are three songs on this album, but each one is rather lengthy with the shortest one just a hair under ten minutes in length.  With such lengthy songs then it is no surprise that DreamLongDead take their sweet time getting through the songs.  The riffs are huge, but incredibly slow, though this is no funeral doom or drone band.  The band obviously takes cues from Hellhammer/Celtic Frost, but tends to play such riffs incredibly slowly, something like Celtic Frost on severe depressants.  The only exception is the latter portion of second track "The Dead Dream Under Our Skin" which takes off like a jet with the fastest riff on the album.

The music here is certainly entertaining.  I enjoy listening to the album when it is playing, but I do not think it is an essential release.  The band does some very interesting things and the Lovecraftian themes work surprisingly well with this style of doom metal, but other than the really fast riff mentioned above, there are not a lot of really memorable moments here. 

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