Sunday, July 7, 2019

Bewitched: Rise of the Antichrist (2002)

Here is the fourth and final post in this brief series looking at the albums of Bewitched.  One of these days I will consider tracking down their last album, Spiritual Warfare, which was released in 2006.  These four albums were all released in the box set.  I am not sure why their last album was not included in the box set, though the fact that their last album was released on a different label might explain it.

Enough of that though.  It is sort of odd that an album titled Rise of the Antichrist would come so late in the band's history.  Seems like a better title for an earlier album.  Oh well.  The band added another guitarist, giving them a two-pronged attack this time around.

After the minor disappointment that was the third album, the band changed some things up a little bit.  Obviously with the addition of a second guitarist the sound was a little more full and the two guitarists played off each other quite well.  The band also stopped trying to be a Venom clone and forged their own sound.  Bewitched sounds more like a thrash metal band with some minor black metal influences on this album.  Think early Sodom or Kreator.  The vocals have also improved significantly, delivered in more of a harsh shriek.

Though some things have changed on this release, Bewitched still maintains their ability to write infectious as hell songs.  This time around, the band has given "Worship the Fire", the title track, and the explosive "Hell's Triumph".  The opening riff to the latter is simply amazing.

This is one of the better albums from the Bewitched box set.  I would probably rank them from best to worst: Pentagram Prayer, Rise of the Antichrist, Diabolical Desecration, At the Gates of Hell.

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