Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Metal Church: Damned if You Do (2018)

I have never understood why Metal Church is not more popular.  Sure, the band's first couple of albums are generally considered classics, by those that have heard them, but there are not nearly enough of them.  After those two, Metal Church managed to continue putting out solid to excellent releases for the next thirty years and counting.

Part of the problem with Metal Church not being better regarded is the fact that the band has changed singers several times.  David Wayne was the frontman on those first two classic albums but Mike Howe has probably been with the band the longest.  Howe has an incredible voice of his own, but is not quite as talented as Wayne.  But since most of the albums I own have Howe on vocals, he is the voice I associate with the band.

Well, enough of that.  This is actually the first Metal Church album I have heard since 2008's This Present Wasteland, which was a tad disappointing due to the presence of neither Wayne nor Howe on vocals.  After I saw them live a year or so ago, I was impressed enough that I considered checking them out again, so when this album dropped, I decided to take a chance.  I may have to revisit some stuff because this album is, by and large, fantastic.  Every song on the album is full of great riffs and catchy hooks.  Of particular note are the anthemic "Revolution Underway" and the title track.

Guitarist Kurdt Vanderhoof remains the driving force behind the band, and has become an accomplished songwriter.  Most of the songs here have standard structure, but that only aids in the infectious quality of the songs.  Lead guitarist Rick Van Zandt has come into his own as well, playing well-placed solos and leads that add variety to Vanderhoof's crunchy riffs.  Howe's vocals complete the melodic trio.

Damned if You Do is proof that good old-fashioned melodic heavy metal still exists.

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