Monday, January 27, 2020

Communion: Demo II (2013)

I am not sure why I am doing a review of a one-song demo.  Especially when that song is just over four minutes in length, making this an extremely short release and a likewise short review.  But then, this demo has been sent to me twice now, once as a mini-CD (no joke, the thing is about three inches in diameter) and then as a cassette.  So here we are.

Communion is a Chilean black/thrash metal band.  Chile has produced some damn good metal bands, such as Thornafire and Apostasy.  So at least I had a pretty good feeling about what they would sound like.  The music here is incredibly fast and intense, with speed-picking tremolo riffs and blast-beating drumming.  The vocals are harsh.  Overall, the band sounds very similar to a combination of early Sabbat and early Deströyer 666, complete with blazing solo. 

Unfortunately, as I said, there is just one song on this release, so while it is an impressive song, it is much too short to get much out of.  I may have to check out one of the longer releases. 

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