Sunday, March 22, 2020

Nunslaughter: Wrath Unleashed (2017)

I am not 100% sure why this release exists.  It is a demo and essentially a rehearsal recording.  Nunslaughter had been active for thirty years when this was released and had released a number of EPs, splits and even a handful of albums (though not as many as one would think for as long and as active as Nunslaughter has been).  So it comes as somewhat odd timing to release a rehearsal demo so long into the band's career.

Still though, this is Nunslaughter and I try to grab their lengthier releases.  If I tried to grab every single split and EP, I would go completely nuts, but I do try to grab the longer ones.  Most of these songs are re-recorded Nunslaughter songs with somewhat new arrangements.  For some reason "Hex" (which is still one of my favorite songs by the band) is on here twice.  I have no idea why.  The production is crisp and clear though, giving the songs a little extra punch, which is kind of saying something for this band. 

This is Nunslaughter we are talking about, and not much has changed about the music.  Nunslaughter plays short, sharp death metal tracks with a lot of hardcore influence.  The band has not changed much in thirty-plus years they have been around and I would be shocked if they ever do.

This release is far from an essential Nunslaughter release.  For those, I would stick to the four full-length albums.  But this is still a lot of fun and would be a decent introduction to the band.  Those full-lengths are not super easy to find.

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