Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Monarque: Jusqu'à la mort (2019)

Like Synteleia a few days back, I can probably spoil how I feel about this EP by referring to its placement on my Best EPs of 2019 list.  It topped the list.  That's how good this is. 

Over the last couple of years I have been exploring a variety of underground metal scenes, some of which I had not been previously aware, such as the black metal scene in Quebec.  Apparently I have missed out on a rich and vibrant scene with some amazing bands.  I touched on this very briefly discussing Cantique Lépreux last year.  Well, Monarque are one of the marquee names in the scene, so I had to find something. 

It was the album cover that drew me in here, rather than any desire to give a listen to a major part in a scene of which I was just becoming aware.  But this is an absolutely amazing release that has convinced me to find more from not only Monarque, but many of the other bands in the Quebec scene in general. 

The first two tracks are stunning examples of what makes the scene so compelling.  Through all of the darkness of the songs, and there is plenty with the riffs and the smoky, snarled vocals, there exists a kind of breathtaking beauty underlying everything.  The third track takes a much longer time getting going, but it soon follows suit and is the decidedly more dynamic of the three songs.  The album feels like the soundtrack to a blizzard sweeping over a desolate landscape.  It is chilling.

I love this EP, as is obvious from its lofty placement on my end of the year list.  I am definitely looking into more of this band's music and checking out associated acts.  I have been missing out.

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