Sunday, June 23, 2019

Aura Noir: Aura Noire (2018)

Aura Noir is one of those bands who I have accumulated a few albums by, but rarely really target when a new album is released.  In fact, I had no idea this album came out last year.  The last one I remember was 2012's Out to Die.  Part of the issue probably is that the band takes a long time between releases.  It is odd though, because this is definitely the type of band I should be more into, given their blackened thrash metal sound and featuring the guitar work of the notorious Blasphemer, formerly of Mayhem.

The band presents more of a stripped-down and raw sound this time around.  The sound is reminiscent of a combination of early Sodom and Venom with some Nocturnal Breed thrown in.  Track "Mordant Wind" even has some early Voivod influence to it.  Many of the riffs, particularly that in the aforementioned song and "Demoniac Flow", have a rusty, mechanical quality to them.  It sounds like the rampage of a 70 ton war machine.  The vocals, which sound as if Aggressor has been gargling with battery acid, fit well with the war anthems within.  It is an interesting classic metal feel that is quite a bit different than the band's earlier material.

It is kind of a tough call as to whether I prefer this album or the previous one.  They are very different takes on the blackened thrash metal sound.  This one is more comparable to the earliest days of black metal when thrash was just crossing over.  The previous album is a much more modern take.  I guess it all depends on what kind of mood I am in.  Sometimes, I want some 80's style blackened thrash, and when that is the case, this album will do quite nicely.

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