Thursday, April 2, 2020

Cantique Lépreux: Cendres Célestes (2016)

Here we have the debut album from Quebec black metal band Cantique Lépreux.  I previously reviewed their second album and was completely blown away by the band to the extent that I tracked down the debut and also discovered an entire scene I had somehow missed.  The Quebec black metal scene has since become a current favorite, and unlike say, The Black Twilight Circle, this scene is still going strong.  Just look at the band who released my Top EP of 2019, Monarque.

The sound here is one is typical for Quebec black metal.  By that I mean that it truly sounds like a blizzard.  Featuring a variety of icy cold, cascading tremolo riffs, rolling drums and freezing vocals, it is the sound of winter winds blowing through a desolate landscape.  It is atmospheric black metal that borrows from Darkthrone's Transilvanian Hunger, but twists it and shapes it into something new.  At the same time, it is surprisingly melodic, with some damn good guitar solos.  Again, this is common for the scene. 

This is quickly becoming a favorite scene of mine.  Cantique Lépreux was the band that introduced me to it, but I have since branched out.  This album is a great example of what makes this scene so interesting.  Monarque is still my favorite band from the scene, but Cantique Lépreux is up there, at least until I can get into some of the giants of the scene, like Forteresse.

1 comment:

  1. Francophone black metal is underappreciated. I think I'll have to check this out.
