Sunday, May 12, 2019

Saccage: Récidive (2017)

Quebec has a very rich history of producing amazing metal bands.  There are bands like Gorguts, Kataklysm and Cryptopsy, and of course Voivod is quite possibly the most famous metal band hailing from Quebec.  In fact, there are very few metal bands from the Canadian province that I can honestly say I dislike (though Despised Icon does come to mind).  And so, when I see a metal band from Quebec, my interest is piqued.  Such was the case with Saccage.

Saccage is not as weird as most of the other Quebec bands listed.  Their style is a decidedly old-school mix of thrash metal, black metal and crust.  Think a mix of Venom, early Sodom and Discharge and that is a reasonable approximation of the Saccage's sound.  The songs are all fast-paced with rampaging riffs and the full-throttle roar of vocalist Phat Labrosse.  Despite the ever-present speed and intensity, Saccage have managed to add in a lot of dynamics to the recording.  It never grows stale and retains interest throughout.

The only thing at all unusual about Saccage is that all of the lyrics and song titles are in French.  That is not shocking given the band's home, but it is a little unusual.  Having never learned French myself, I have not the slightest idea of what is being said.

Saccage blends elements of multiple extreme metal and punk styles seemlessly.  This is a filthy and raw release from a band who has thus far made that their calling card.  It is a lot of fun for those interested in the style. 

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