Saturday, May 4, 2019

Iron Cemetery: Iron Cemetery (2018)

Here we have another band who I originally discovered via a combination of Bandcamp and Decibel's demo reviews.  Iron Cemetery are a young power trio from Montana of all places.  Kind of a weird place to find a death/thrash metal band, but then, I'm from Nebraska, so there you go.

This is an impressive, dirty and raw slab of death/thrash metal with varying influences.  I hear quite a bit of the Australian scene here, with groups like Destruktor and Bestial Warlust being particularly present.  The music is stripped down and incredibly raw.  And incredibly violent.  It is a short and furious assault on the listener that simply never lets up.

The lyrical subject matter is fairly typical for the style.  Iron Cemetery are angry about a lot of things, including religion, which being in a rural area myself I can attest tends to get shoved down your throat.  The isolation and desolation of their home area also tends to fuel their violent and angry lyrics.

This is a very impressive debut recording.  I am anxious to see what else the band will come up with in the future. 

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