Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Brutality: Screams of Anguish (1993)

Brutality is something of an overlooked band rising out of the Tampa death metal scene in the late 1980's/early 1990's.  Despite forming in 1987 and being from the same area as legends like Death, Deicide, Obituary, Morbid Angel, Massacre and others, Brutality is not often mentioned when discussing death metal pioneers.  This is a shame because their first release is every bit as good as their contemporaries.

The band more than lives up to their name on this release, with bone-crushing riffs and some of the better death roars of the early death metal scene.  Yet for all of that brutality, the band still manages to surprise with some intricate melodic sections and some impressive technicality.  Take for example the instrumental interlude "Ceremonial Unearthing" with its piercing melody is nearly as impressive as Death's emotional shocker "Voice of the Soul".  And many of the solos present are top-notch and command attention.  But it is still the twisted and mangled riffs and off-kilter melodies that keep things fresh and interesting throughout. 

I will be honest.  I knew very little about this band before deciding to pick up this album.  I had heard of them, I think, but I had no idea about where they were from or their time period.  I am sure I could have guessed they were a death metal band by their name.  But it is a shame that Brutality is not better known.  They are easily on par with other death metal bands from their same scene.  Anyone who enjoys classic death metal should check out Brutality.

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