Friday, January 25, 2019

Visigoth: Conqueror's Oath (2018)

I had heard rave reviews about this album from the time that it was released, but I did not really pay much attention to the hype for quite some time.  I considered checking it out if I came across it, but that simply never happened.  Then, on the Metal Archives forum Best Album of 2018 vote, this album came out on top.  At that point, I figured I had to at least give it a shot.  After all, my Album of the Year was also the Metal Archives Album of the Year in 2016 and 2017 (Vektor and Power Trip).

Well this album is definitely damn good.  Visigoth is a power/heavy metal band from that well-known metal hot bed of Salt Lake City, Utah.  Hopefully my sarcasm came across.  Nothing says metal like a whole bunch of Mormons.  Kidding.  I have no idea if the group are Mormons or not, and Salt Lake City actually does not have THAT many Mormons anyway.  Also, apparently they do not like being called Mormons.  And now, I am WAY off track.

So anyway, there are some terrific songs on this album.  Visigoth performs a style similar to groups like Manilla Road and Grand Magus.  Of course Grand Magus is one of my favorite bands these days so I am on board here.  The songs are mostly short and mid-paced, but they are melodic and infectious as all hell.  A lot of bands strive hard to achieve the type of sound that Visigoth seems to achieve effortlessly.

Of particular note on the album is the song "Salt City", obviously an homage to the band's home town.  It is also one of the best songs on the album, with an incredibly catchy chorus.  The band sounds like they are having a great time on the song too.  This should become the city's new theme song.

I definitely understand the hype for this album.  It would not have made my top spot, but it probably would have been in the Top Five.

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