Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Legal News Regarding Metal Musicians

A couple of pieces of legal news popped up so far this week involving metal musicians.

First off, Danzig is being sued for damages from an accident he was in in January. Apparently, Danzig rear-ended someone in a motor vehicle accident and the injured party is suing for medical bills, pain and suffering, and emotional distress. I can't imagine there's that much money in this case, but I guess it depends on the level of injury. I have not been able to find any information over what exactly the injuries here are. Hard to imagine emotional distress damages in this type of suit. I might have more comment if I had some more facts.

Secondly, Vince Neil of Motley Crue was arrested under suspicion of DUI. That's the nice way of putting it. It's suspicion until they confirm it. As a criminal defense attorney myself, I have handled a few dozen DUI cases. They are not fun. There's a lot of stuff involved. There must be a reason for the stop and there are certain procedures to follow to ensure that the field sobriety tests are being handled correctly. Then there are issues with the breath and blood test that have to be examined. They are not much fun. But, the real key here is that Vince Neil should fucking know better. He was charged with vehicular manslaughter in the 1980's when he was driving drunk and killed the drummer of Hanoi Rocks as well as seriously injuring two other passengers. What a fucking idiot.

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